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Time Saver – Estimate Edition

Making The Most Of Your Time, From Start To Finish

How is it already the end of August?? Summer always seems to be gone too soon, but this year feels especially short. It’s hard to believe that in just a few days we will be greeted by a new school year, changing colors on the trees, and Fall fairs! All this change has me thinking...

Christmas in July!

Why Planning Ahead Is Key When It Comes to Snow Removal

I know what you’re thinking. Snow removal already?! It’s July! But as hot as Summer is, we all know our Niagara winters have a way of sneaking up on us. Picture this- it’s a chilly November day. You watch the leaves blow across your property as you drink a warm beverage. You...

Landscaping and The Housing Market

Leveraging What You Have

The housing market is a hot topic- but what does landscaping have to do with it? Picture this: You’re on the hunt for the home of your dreams. Your real estate agent scheduled a viewing with you for a home he was sure would be “the ONE!!” You excitedly drive to the...