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The Niagara Homeowner’s Guide to Spring Property Prep

The Niagara Homeowner’s Guide to Spring Property Prep

Preparing your property for spring in the Niagara Region involves a series of tasks to ensure a healthy, vibrant landscape. Don’t know where to begin? We’ve got you. Read on for a comprehensive guide to help you get started.

14 Steps to a Summer - Ready Property

Clean up winter debris.

  • Remove dead plants: clean out any dead plants or vegetation left from winter. Trim back dead branches from trees and shrubs.

Inspect and prune.

  • Prune trees and shrubs: trim overgrown branches to encourage healthy growth. Remove any damaged or diseased wood. Spring is an ideal time for pruning before new growth begins. 

Tip: pruning before you lay mulch makes for a tidy finished product!

Soil Preparation.

  • Test soil: conduct a soil test to determine nutrient levels. Amend the soil with compost or organic matter if needed.
  • Mulching: apply a layer of mulch around plants to suppress weeds, retain moisture, and regulate soil temperature.

Lawn Care.

  • Rake the lawn: remove leaves and debris from the lawn to allow sunlight and air to reach the grass.
  • Aerate: if your lawn has compacted soil, consider aerating to improve water and nutrient absorption.


  • Choose native plants: select native plants for optimal adaptation to the local climate. Spring is a suitable time for planting new trees, shrubs, and perennials.

Garden Bed Preparation.

  • Clear weeds: remove weeds from garden beds and around existing plants.
  • Edge beds: define the garden beds by edging to create a neat and tidy appearance. 

Check irrigation system.

  • Inspect sprinklers: ensure your irrigation system is in working order. check for leaks, and adjust sprinkler heads as needed.


  • Apply fertilizer: if soil tests indicate nutrient deficiencies, apply a balanced fertilizer to promote healthy plant growth.

Pest and disease management.

  • Inspect for pests: check plants for signs of pests and take appropriate measures for control. 

  • Disease prevention: apply fungicides preventatively if your plants have a history of diseases.

Prepare outdoor living spaces.

  • Clean and arrange patio furniture: wipe down outdoor furniture and arrange it for the upcoming season. 
  • Inspect lighting: check outdoor lighting and replace any bulbs or fixtures as needed.

Check for safety hazards.

  • Inspect trees: examine trees for damaged limbs that may pose a safety risk during spring storms.

Wildlife considerations. 

  • Bird feeders: clean and fill bird feeders to attract local wildlife to your garden. 

Consult with local experts.

  • Visit a nursery: seek advice from local nurseries to learn about plant varieties well-suited for the Niagara Region. 

Be water-wise.

  • Watering schedule: establish a consistent watering schedule, adjusting based on rainfall and specific plant needs. 

Following these steps will ensure your property is primed for Spring, setting the stage for a flourishing and vibrant outdoor space!

Frequently Asked Questions: 

☼ What kinds of tools will I need for a Spring cleanup?

We recommend the following for basic clean ups: 
-    Fan rake 
-    Half- moon edger 
-    Shovel 
-    Leaf blower 
-    Large tarp 
-    Buckets or leaf bags 
-    Hedge pruners 
-    Sheers and loppers
-    Secateurs  
-    Ladder (depending on tree / shrub height)
-    Aerator 
-    Irrigation supplies / replacement pieces 
-    Lighting supplies / replacement pieces

☼ Where can I source materials for my Spring cleanup? 

Visit your local nursery or garden center for:

-    Perennials 
-    Annuals 
-    Mulch 
-    Stone 

Garden centers are great places to seek advice for different plant and ground cover options! Some of our favorite garden centers to visit in Niagara are Vermeer’s Garden Center & Flower Shop and Rice Road Greenhouses. 

It’s important to note that not all nurseries are open to the public. Sometimes this can become a challenge when you are looking for specific products or plant types. 

☼ How long does a Spring cleanup take to complete?

This depends on a variety of factors, such as: 

-    If you completed a Fall cleanup
o    If the leaves are still on the ground from last year, things may take longer to clean.
-    When you begin your Spring cleanup
o    Beginning earlier in the year means getting ahead of weeding and plant growth before it becomes overwhelming.
-    How big your property is
o    While small properties can take a matter of hours to prep, large properties with many gardens can take days to clean and prep.
-    Previous experience 
o    If this is your first year caring for your property, there will be much to learn about plant care and maintenance.
-    Access to proper tools
o    Having the right tools and knowing how to use them can speed up the cleaning process significantly.
Overall, a Spring cleanup can be a daunting task, but the outcome is worth it - a property you get to enjoy all Summer long. 

Feeling overwhelmed?

We can help! Leave the gardening to us, so all you have to do is walk outside and enjoy your backyard. Get started today at

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