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Welcome to 2023

Setting the Tone

Welcome to 2023

Hello all,

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and are settling back into the rhythm of your work. While there is room for reflection throughout the year, I’d like the share what I’ve learned after reflecting on 2022 and all that it brought.

Every life, relationship, or business has a few things in common. They are all filled with challenges, hurdles, and dependence on other people. 2022 was a year of challenges, but it was also an eye-opening one, and full of learning (good and bad). Blind spots came into focus as I had to change seats and take the reins, helping me to see things from a different angle. I learned that putting your work boots on and getting into the trenches with your team is what not giving up can look like.

In response to the 2022 season, I have set a few goals both for myself and the company. Firstly, I would like to continue to provide an opportunity for clients to connect with nature. Part of this will be placing special emphasis on improving their space while in turn saving them precious time. Secondly, simplify - everything. There were times that I realized the need for new systems, and there were also times where I realized the need to eliminate steps in systems currently used. I think we need to go back to making things clear and easy, always thinking and prepping for the next person who might have to take the reins.

The past year has also reminded me to remember the importance of dreams and goals. Like many business owners, I have dreams of my own. I want to live a life of no regrets, and full of hope. Whether you call it a dream, vision or bucket list- it’s something that gives you a purpose or hope for the future. I think that chasing dreams can create a life that is fulfilling and meaningful. On a more practical note, I think it’s also important to set goals. Without a goal or plan, your dream is just a wish. Not sure who wrote that, but it’s definitely a tangible way to look at the success of a dream.

So, in response to all of this reflection, there are a few things our community can expect from Snips this year. As before, Snips will have a positive attitude towards improvement and raising the standards in the landscaping industry. As of now, Snips will be keenly aware of and implementing better business practices, such as streamlined systems and procedures. The aim here is to marry quality with efficiency, ensuring our clients get the landscaping care that they deserve.

The fast-paced way of the world is not going anywhere; we want to embrace it, but chip off the unnecessary clutter that can create chaos. I want Snips to be an experience that doesn’t have to be chaotic, for both clients and staff. I also want Snips to be known as the company with heart. To be known for the passion shown in the work that we do. We know this will help us to achieve better communication and relationships with our customers.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We look forward to all that 2023 has to bring.


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